Sunday, February 13, 2011

Sacred Sunday Battle Royale

A topic for every Sunday, maybe. I'll post music from two, maybe even three, artists and they will be in competition for better favor. The genres may be the same or may differ, but the music will be comparable on the quality level. What is quality? Well, only you can decide because it's rather subjective, but, any song I post and pit against another will be of comparable quality to me.

The first band is Freelance Whales and they released their first album, Weathervanes, in 2010. They formed in 2008 and are a young group but their style is catchy and full of layers. The first song, Generator First Floor, is their most hyped song to date. I think it's good, but not as good as the second song, Hannah. the melodies of both songs are very similair while the lyrics are quite different. Listen and you'll see.

Freelance Whales - Weathervanes


The second band is The Airborne Toxic Event. They formed in 2006 and have released two studio albums as well as one live album (performed at Disney Music Hall). The first song, Goodbye Horses, is from the Live Album at Disney Music Hall and is a great cover of the 1988 hit by Q. Lazzarus (Yea I've never heard of him either, only the song). If your mind is foggy, try listening to the melody (are the late 80's/early 90's movie scenes coming full force into your mind now??). The second song, Numb, may be better? It's defnately a close second if it's not and I'm apologize, but, I was unable to embed the song into this blog. Therefore, the only way to lsiten is to go the provided linl @

The Airborne Toxic Event