Saturday, February 12, 2011

I'm back... Finally!

As the title implies, I was once gone. Actually, the loss of my laptop due to hard drive failure was the reason for my absence. No worries though, obtained a brand new HP dv6t directly from their website and couldn't be happier (even managed to get a free upgrade to 6GB of RAM). I am now ready, more than ever, to continue with new media exploration and this post marks the beginning of a journey with HP.

I've lost valuable time in the area of new music. Although a loss, I have gained much in other areas I concede to be much more important than 'What new music is there today?'. For example, just had a graduate school interview at a prestigious University. If you are unfamiliar with the process, an I'm assuming you are, then just know that the process started in November and culminated yesterday with a 7 hour interview with faculty and students. Nervousness wasn't the correct word to describe my state of mind, rather, I was relaxed and actually myself for the majority (if not all) of the interview. I won't receive a notification of my "acceptance" or "rejection" for a few weeks, but I have a hunch (and a STRONG one at that) that I am the top candidate for the position. It may sound conceited, but if you knew the details you would see it wasn't me who made that conclusion. Suspense is...

NOW, it's time for new music!!!!! The following tracks are a few I've found since I've had my new HP. I enjoy each one, even though they represent different genres. I hope you enjoy the tracks!

Fleet Foxes - Helplessness Blues
Helplessness Blues

Panda Bear - Last Night at the Jetty
Last Night at the Jetty

Theophilus London - Why Even Try (Feat. Sara Q.)
Why Even Try (Feat. Sara Q.)

Toro Y Moi - New Beat
New Beat

Lyyke Li - I Follow Rivers
I Follow Rivers

James Vincent McMorrow - If I Had a Boat
If I Had a Boat

Light Asylum - Dark Allies
Dark Allies