Friday, December 23, 2011

The Best Songs of 2011, Part II of III (#30-11)

Part II is ready, I think, therefore, I am ready to release Part II? Did you catch the reference to Descartes? Also I've been reading this book and there were these strange self-referential sentences that I thought I'd share. I'm not going to elaborate on them, just list them underneath to stir your mind.

Numero Uno: The following sentence is totally identical with this one, except that the words "following" and "preceding" have been exchanged, as have the words "except" and "in", and the phrases "identical with" and "different from".

Numero Due: The preceding sentence is totally different from this one, in that the words "preceding" and "following" have been exchanged, as have the words "in" and "except", and the phrases "different from" and "identical with".

Most people find these sentences silly and actually rather annoying. I like them and think they are rather fascinating. Both are from page 62 of I Am A Stange Loop by Doug Hofstadter. Anyways, on to the music, that's why you're here, right? Enjoy Part II.

30. The Morning - The Weeknd
29. The Letting Go - Moutn Moriah
28. Holocene - Bon Iver
27. Tokyo - California Wives
26. Strawberry Swing - Frank Ocean
25. Midnight City - M83
24. Street Trap - CIVIL CIVIC
23. Green Aisles - Real Estate
22. We Went Wild - Lord Huron
21. When My Time Comes - Dawes

20. Less Unless - CIVIL CIVIC
      - An instrumental that'll pump up your empty air chamber.

19. Hearts Trompet - Brasstronaut
      - A smooth bass - oops, I mean "brass'" tune..

18. Anna Sun - Walk The Moon
      - Someone is talking about sex.. and partying.. and.. Anna Sun.

17. Can We Really Party Today? - Jonathan Wilson
      - Wait, waiiiiiiit...

16. Nineequalsnine - Vanaprasta
      - You either love it or you hate it.. i love it.

15. Equestrian - U.S. Royalty
      - I think they're going up to the mountain, not down.

14. Seperator - Radiohead
      - Brilliantly simple yet utterly complex.

13. 1957 - Milo Greene
      - How is this band still vastly unknown?

12. Spanish Burn - Early Winters
      - One of the best vocals and easy listening songs of the year.

11. Eyes Be Closed - Washed Out
      - Watch out.

Part III coming soon...