Friday, January 7, 2011

The Bosnian Pyramids: An Objective View

As you read the title, a question such as "What Bosnian Pyramids?" may have popped up in your mind. You may have had other questions or initial skepticism and that is definitely warranted. I have an extreme level of skepticism when it comes to this type of material because it has the potential to be "revolutionary" or "insane". Most of it goes against the present view of scientific understanding, while trying to extend the present view of this limited scientific understanding. 
A lot of emphasis is put on the concept of frequency and waves and objectively this makes sense. Fundamentally, frequency and waves exist at a quantum level and are interpreted by our senses on a larger level; the elements of vision and sound as two examples. Our brains have "brain waves" that occur all the time; in fact, if these brain waves stopped, you would be pronounced clinically dead. The four principal brain wave distinctions are alpha, theta, delta, and gamma. Each vibrate at their own frequency and are believed to be related to a certain experience of consciousness. There has been experimentation in controlled laboratory settings in which they observe a subject's consciousness while their brain waves are oscillating at alpha, theta, delta, and gamma frequencies. It has been observed that one frequency may exhibit an effect of 'heightened concentration' as compared to the other three. One may exhibit 'heightened relaxation' as compared to the other three. One may exhibit 'heightened awareness' as compared to the other three, etc, etc... Each brain is continuously moving through these four different brain wave frequencies. You may stay at alpha for a few seconds, minutes, or even hours. The same holds true for the others and actually it is supposed that gamma waves are associated as the frequency of a sleeping brain. Anyway, less talk about brain waves and more about Bosnian Pyramids, right?
Without further adieu, here are some interesting excerpts from a interview with Semir Osmanagich, Ph.D, the discoverer of the ancient pyramid complex in Bosnia. I hope you enjoy the following, and remember, be a skeptic and research further if you're interested. Don't just take my word for it.

"What we have in Bosnia are the 6 elements that will forever change of the history" (Not sure why he subsequently names 7)
1. "These are the FIRST pyramids in Europe."
2. "They are the BIGGEST, the LARGEST, on the planet" (you should be skeptic, saying "Bigger than Giza in Egypt?)
   - The Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun is almost 700 feet tall, while the Great Pyramid of Giza is about 450 feet tall.
3. "What we are uncovering, below the layer of soil, is the most quality ancient concrete. Much, much older than the ancient Roman concrete."
4. "The orientation of the sides of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun is even better than the Hufus Pyramid in Egypt."
5. "The Pyramids in Bosnia have been covered by soil for over 12,000 years."
6. "Under the Pyramids in Bosnia is the most extensive, underground labyrinth consisting of tunnels, chambers, and underground lakes."
7. "In those tunnels, we've been discovering the biggest ceramic rocks, the biggest ceramic sculptures." 
**"What we are discovering in Bosnia is history changing**

After these initial claims, the radio host starts to ask the questions.

Question #1: How are you able, first of all, to date this structure? Is there anything there that can be carbon dated?
Semir: "We have analyzed the soil that covers the pyramids. It was analyzed by the State Institute for Pedology. Their conclusion is, that on this clay surface, the soil has been there for 12,000 years. As far as the underground tunnels go, we are finding organic material and the age goes from 3,091 years to 32,000 years."

Question #2: Is it possible that these tunnels could have been used by early man, before the pyramids were constructed?
Semir: "Well, there is a direct connection between the tunnels and the Pyramids; namely, the tunnels have been dug in material called Conglomerate. Conglomerate consists of stones, pebbles, rock, sand. And the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun is covered by the concrete blocks. And the construction material for the concrete is exactly the same (sand, rocks, pebbles) as the tunnels... The second connection, all the Pyramids have been connected by those tunnels."

This is the only transcribing I'll do for this 12 part interview on Youtube. Yes, I said 12 parts! I haven't listened to them all and I'm not sure if all twelve are solely about the Bosnian Pyramids. After listening to coasttocoast before, I can assure you that it's not just about the the Bosnian Pyramids. If you're interested you can go here: Bosnian Pyramid & Ancient Monuments and watch the remainder of the #2/12 video from Youtube. Remember, remain skeptic but also challenge what you've learned. How many times has purported history, as you've been taught, been wrong? How many times have what people believed in so vehemently (God as an example) been changed over the course of centuries and millennia?